Tuesday, November 4, 2014

EDUC 7720 - grant proposal thoughts

My thoughts as I was swimming a bit over my head on the TRUST grant proposal.
What was I thinking?
I agreed to help with  the TRUST challenge, not having read any of the information about the grant. I didn't realize it was going to be time-sensitive, and that I would be the only IT&DML student involved in the grant.
The good news: I understood what the grant proposal entailed. I felt like I was able to contribute a bit to the process. I saw the education language we use in our coursework throughout the document. I never think to use words like pedagogy and disaggregate (that's a biggie at our school right now!) I can see how it is important to use technical words in specific situations.
Thanks to Susanne's class (last year,) I felt somewhat versed in the idea of new literacies. I tackled the paragraphs about the social and emotional literacy skills that will be addressed by the MOOC in the grant. The collaborative group may not choose my words (or my ideas!), but I felt like it was a good exercise and gave me a bit more knowledge of the ways of grant-writing.

"The DIGITS MOOC will offer participants a safe venue to learn to “say or write the right thing in the right way while playing the right social role and (appearing) to hold the right values, beliefs and attitudes. “(Gee, 1990) Pre-service teachers and others learners may have personal experience with social media and instinctively conduct themselves in a socially appropriate manner. Participants will learn to recognize and codify what appropriate online social behavior and to transfer that knowledge to others."

"People who get the most value from online spaces have strong emotional literacy skills; they are able to interpret and display appropriate behavior while using Internet technology. The DIGITS program will support skills that promote healthy skepticism and internet safety awareness."
Notes to formulate my ideas:
If applicable, describe how the proposal addresses diversity, civility, or inclusivity. Describe if or how any learning content or resources will support the development of digital, social, and emotional literacies.
facilitate a culture of inclusivity, civility, and respect for diversity through tools, practices, and policies that protect all learners, regardless of age, from emotional and physical bullying;

We believe education has the potential to be a key lever as we work to inform individuals not only how to identify and evaluate trust online, but also how to interact as a trustworthy digital citizen.
a comprehensive curriculum, and assessments to build the security, privacy, trust knowledge and awareness for individuals in online spaces.
Trust privacy and safety are critical.
Healthy skepticism trust
Emotional literacy

Students have unsupervised experiences in social spaces on the internet, and often do not have emotional literacy skills (emotional maturity) to handle difficult

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