I started a Google Site at school. It took a very long time! I'm not so sure that I want to use it as my Digital Learning Hub after all. I'm starting to think I want to keep some of the technology and the more mundane school things separate. I tend to think of my learning hub as MY resource, and the school website as a STUDENT resource.
Here is my future Abbott Tech Library site:
The site is incomplete. I published it so you could look at it. (It's still a secret...)
In Google Sites:
-It was really easy to find a template I liked.
-It was especially annoying trying to get my pictures small enough to use on the site. I could have put up my nose...only... but that's not even humorous! I know I'll have to adjust the pixels in the future. I'll just leave it at that because I only have the vaguest clue what I'm talking about...
-Site navigation is pretty easy/standard for a user.
-Editing is a bit tricky. Once I got the hang of it, it was the same for every section.
- I may have picked too many time-intensive sections as far as currency/updating goes.
- I would like to have used more "gadgets," but our school system has limited access to some things...
- I have not yet figured out how to do "buttons." I would prefer buttons for the Destiny catalog and the AR link.
- I don't like the lettering at the top of the page. There wasn't an easy way to change it. I'm not sure if I can.
- I thought I had replaced the calendar. It didn't work. It was cumbersome to manipulate. I'm weighing whether or not to post library reservations online.
On a VERY happy note, I had some time to play with the site at school because administration made "library" a DUTY for teachers! Instead of being the only person to answer the phone, shelve books, laminate, make copies, answer the phone, check books out, troubleshoot technology, answer the phone, and answer the phone, SOMEONE ELSE CAN NOW ANSWER THE PHONE! The teachers prefer "library duty" to study hall or lunch duty, so it's a total win-win situation. I finally got to troubleshoot the iPads that have been frustrating me for 8 solid months. They now update automatically! I can also market library resources and suggest collaboration to my now-captive audience.
Good start. And I like your thinking about keeping the work world and the personal work world separate. Keep us posted on how that goes.